I am Utah criminal defense trial attorney Susanne Gustin. I am proud of my career focus and dedication to protecting the rights of people charged with criminal offenses. From my Salt Lake City law office, I have handled virtually every type of criminal case.

Listed below are a representative few of some outcomes I have obtained for my clients. If you have been charged with a misdemeanor or felony offense in Salt Lake City or other community throughout Utah, contact me immediately.

2013 – State v. Martin J. MacNeill

Nationally high-profile case dubbed the “Facelift Murder.” Michele MacNeill was found dead in her bathtub in Pleasant Grove, Utah. Prosecutors accused Martin of forcing his wife Michele to get a facelift and asking the plastic surgeon for a dangerous “cocktail of drugs” that Martin subsequently used to overdose and drown his wife in the bathtub.

Originally, the state medical examiner concluded that Michele died of natural causes. The MacNeill daughters believed otherwise. Their suspicions were raised when Martin moved his mistress “Gypsy” into the family home weeks after Michele’s death to be the younger children’s nanny…

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Recent Outcomes

For over three decades Susanne Gustin Attorney at Law has zealously defended individuals facing serious criminal charges, including drug crimes, violent crimes, domestic violence, sex crimes in Utah.

Throughout your entire journey, from initial consultation to the conclusion of your case, Susanne Gustin Attorney at Law will examine all of the evidence in your case and develop the best defense strategy based on your individual circumstances.

Well respected for her unwavering defense of clients facing misdemeanor and felony charges in Salt Lake County and Davis County, Susanne Gustin has a proven track record of success.

Below are some examples of clients Susanne Gustin has represented and details of the case. Please note that the results of these cases are unique, and do not guarantee a specific result for your case.

  • November 2023: Several rape of a child charges allegedly occurring over several years is dismissed based on statute of limitations. Gustin elicits favorable testimony from alleged victim at the preliminary hearing about reporting incident to police in the 1980s, triggering beginning of limitations period. Prosecutor stunned. After 4 intense hearings on matter over a one-year period of time, case is dismissed. After one hearing, client exclaims to Gustin: “Girl—you are a firecracker in that courtroom!” Elderly client enjoyed fabulous Thanksgiving with his wife.
  • August 2023: Rape of a child and aggravated sexual abuse of a child allegedly occurring over 6 years is dismissed. After complicated cross-examination at preliminary hearing, Gustin locks in critical witness testimony in order to later ask judge to dismiss charges based on statute of limitations. Tooth-and-nail battle with prosecutor until prosecutor finally conceded to Gustin’s analysis and dropped the entire case.
  • May 2023: Department of Corrections (“DOC”) attempts to intervene in case to have client continue to register on child abuse registry. After filing several briefs and arguing matter, judge agrees with Gustin that new statute does not require client to register and that DOC has no authority to intervene in client’s case. Judge orders DOC to remove client’s name from registry.
  • December 2022: Client charged with rape. After litigating case for a year, Gustin secures drastically reduced charges that will be expunged eventually. Against all odds, Gustin secured client’s release from jail and client did not have to serve any additional time in jail after change of plea. Client’s mom says Gustin “is one of [her] best friends” after case is over.
  • September 2021 -Gustin handles preindictment investigation of rape case young man. Gustin provides evidence to prosecutor that client is the victim of sexual assault, not the complaining witness. Prosecutor fears that she will not be able to secure conviction and decides to not file charges.Gustin hired to handle sentencing of man charged with enticing a minor by text. Client fears losing his high-paying job and military benefits. Gustin convinces judge to not impose jail in matter which saves client’s job, benefits and marriage.
  • August 2021 -Client being investigated for rape. After Gustin provides information to detective about credibility of accuser and client’s innocence, detective notifies Gustin that prosecutor has decided to not proceed with prosecution of the case.Client charged with Sodomy on a Child, which carries a 25-to-life sentence. Gustin negotiates reduced charge, no prison, 210 days jail. Family will be happy to have client rejoin family in 2022.

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