What is rape?
Rape is any instance in which you have intercourse with someone in a forceful manner. This can mean the person wasn’t in a suitable capacity to make a choice about the act. Henceforth, you might be accused of rape if you have intercourse with someone who gave his or her consent while he or she was intoxicated.
What is sexual assault?
Sexual assault involves touching another person in an intimate place without his or her consent. It can also include forcing that person to touch you in an intimate way. Finally, this can include intimate contact that involves inanimate objects, which is known as forcible sodomy.
Being accused of sexual assault or rape is very serious because these allegations can affect your entire life. Understanding the charge against you and learning how to present a defense against it is vital to ensure the best outcome.
Source: Utah State University, “Sexual Assault & Anti-Violence Information” Sep. 12, 2014