What Exactly Makes Someone A Sex Offender? You May Be Surprised

There is a common image that comes to mind when most people hear the term “sex offender.” Most assume that all sex offenders are lecherous male pedophiles who prey on young children. Because of this stereotype and laws surrounding sex offender registries, individuals convicted of sex crimes may suffer non-criminal consequences for years after their…

Written by developer on October 10, 2013

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U.S. Supreme Court To Take On Important Drug Crimes Case

It’s a classic scenario that has landed countless drivers in hot water. A police officer pulls someone over for erratic driving or some other infraction, and the stop yields something much more substantial, such as a large quantity of drugs. Many drunk driving arrests and drug crimes charges start with a traffic infraction that may…

Written by developer on October 1, 2013

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FBI Report Shows Marijuana Busts Are A Waste Of Legal Resources

In our first post last month, we wrote that the U.S. Department of Justice will reportedly be changing its approach to prosecuting possession and use of marijuana. Federal prosecutors have essentially been instructed to relax prosecution of low-level drug crimes involving marijuana and instead focus on violent drug crimes and trafficking rings. This policy change seems…

Written by developer on September 26, 2013

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U.S. Lawmakers Push For Drug-Crime Sentencing Reforms

Last month, we wrote about the U.S. Justice Department’s plan to make drug crime prosecution and sentencing more reasonable. Approximately 1.5 million Americans were locked up as of last year; including 218,000 in federal prisons. Drug offenders accounted for half of the federal prison population. Harsh mandatory minimum sentences have not resulted in fewer drug…

Written by developer on September 18, 2013

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Juvenile Suspects Especially Vulnerable During Interrogation

Most of us would like to think that we would never confess to a crime we didn’t commit. Unfortunately, however, your resolve might not be as strong during intense and abusive interrogation. False and coerced confessions are more common than most people realize. An article in the Wall Street Journal highlights the fact that juveniles…

Written by developer on September 12, 2013

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New Crime-Predicting Technology Introduced In Utah

The American criminal justice system is meant to operate under the assumption that all persons are innocent until proven guilty. When individuals are accused of committing criminal activity, they may hire an experienced criminal defense attorney or one will be appointed for them. It is within this system of due process that the accused are…

Written by developer on September 6, 2013

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How To Behave At DUI Checkpoints This Weekend

Police departments all across the state will be increasing drunk and drugged driving enforcement efforts in Utah this Labor Day weekend. Because of this, it is important for all Utah motorists to understand what is and is not considered appropriate behavior when they are stopped at a driving under the influence (DUI) checkpoint. Even if…

Written by developer on August 30, 2013

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Study Results Suggest Eyewitness Memory Can Be Highly Inaccurate

Two of the most important questions in any criminal case are: What evidence do prosecutors have and how reliable is it? The answer to the second question largely depends on when it was asked. It used to be the case that eyewitness testimony was as good as gold when it came to securing a criminal…

Written by developer on August 20, 2013

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Obama Administration Seeks More Reasonable Drug Crime Sentencing

Whether you look at prisons here in Utah or any other state in the country, it is plain to see that America’s war on drugs has claimed too many casualties and ruined too many lives. Few people realize it, but America incarcerates a greater percentage of its own population than any other country in the…

Written by developer on August 15, 2013

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