For over three decades Susanne Gustin, Attorney at Law has zealously defended individuals facing serious criminal charges, including drug crimes, violent crimes, domestic violence, sex crimes in Utah.

Throughout your entire journey, from initial consultation to the conclusion of your case, Susanne Gustin, Attorney at Law will examine all of the evidence in your case and develop the best defense strategy based on your individual circumstances.

Well respected for her unwavering defense of clients facing misdemeanor and felony charges in Salt Lake County and Davis County, Susanne Gustin has a proven track record of success.

Below are some examples of clients Susanne Gustin has represented and details of the case. Please note that the results of these cases are unique, and do not guarantee a specific result for your case.


November 2023
Rape Case

Several rape of a child charges allegedly occurring over several years is dismissed based on statute of limitations. Gustin elicits favorable testimony from the alleged victim at the preliminary hearing about reporting the incident to police in the 1980s, triggering the beginning of limitations period. Prosecutor stunned. After 4 intense hearings on matter over a one-year period of time, case is dismissed. After one hearing, client exclaims to Gustin: “Girl—you are a firecracker in that courtroom!” Elderly client enjoyed fabulous Thanksgiving with his wife.

August 2023
Rape Case

Rape of a child and aggravated sexual abuse of a child allegedly occurring over 6 years is dismissed. After complicated cross-examination at preliminary hearing, Gustin locks in critical witness testimony in order to later ask judge to dismiss charges based on statute of limitations. Tooth-and-nail battle with prosecutor until prosecutor finally conceded to Gustin’s analysis and dropped the entire case.

May 2023
Offender Registration

Department of Corrections (“DOC”) attempts to intervene in case to have client continue to register on child abuse registry. After filing several briefs and arguing matter, judge agrees with Gustin that new statute does not require client to register and that DOC has no authority to intervene in client’s case. Judge orders DOC to remove client’s name from registry.

December 2022
Rape Case

Client charged with rape. After litigating case for a year, Gustin secures drastically reduced charges that will be expunged eventually. Against all odds, Gustin secured client’s release from jail and client did not have to serve any additional time in jail after change of plea. Client’s mom says Gustin “is one of [her] best friends” after case is over.

September 2021
Rape Case

Gustin handles pre-indictment investigation of rape case young man.  Gustin provides evidence to prosecutor that client is the victim of sexual assault, not the complaining witness. Prosecutor fears that she will not be able to secure conviction and decides to not file charges.

Gustin hired to handle sentencing of man charged with enticing a minor by text.  Client fears losing his high-paying job and military benefits.  Gustin convinces judge to not impose jail in matter which saves client’s job, benefits and marriage.

August 2021
Rape Case

Client being investigated for rape.  After Gustin provides information to detective about credibility of accuser and client’s innocence, detective notifies Gustin that the prosecutor has decided to not proceed with prosecution of the case.

Client charged with Sodomy on a Child, which carries a 25-to-life sentence.  Gustin negotiates reduced charge, no prison, 210 days jail.  Family will be happy to have client rejoin family in 2022.

June 2021
Sexual Abuse Case

Client charged with aggravated sexual abuse of a child with prior allegation of sexual offense against a child.   After lengthy negotiations, Gustin secures a drastically reduced charge. Judge imposed only 30 days in jail.  Client and family cried tears of joy at resolution.

May 2021
Rape Case

Client charged with rape of a child, which carries a sentence of 25 years-to-life.  After a year of negotiations and Gustin raising client’s special circumstances and developmental delays, charges are reduced and client sentenced to 90 days in jail.

Client’s charges of rape, forcible sodomy and object rape dismissed after Gustin litigates the case for 15 months.

December 2020
Sexual assault case

Client facing life sentence for sexual assault in two separate cases. Gustin negotiates global resolution on both cases. No lifetime registration, only 60 days jail. Client and family very happy and relieved. Rape charges not filed after year of investigation after Gustin presents evidence that client is innocent and finds other person who said that alleged victim falsely accused him of rape.

Client says to Gustin, “[t]his is my best Christmas ever! Thank you!”

November 2020
Sexual battery case

Client pleads to sexual battery after extensive litigation of case. Client was facing rape and aggravated kidnapping charges. No sex offender registry, no jail, client keeps job so he can support his family.

October 2020
Sexual battery case

Client pleads to misdemeanor sexual battery keeping him off the sex offender registry, no jail. He was charged with serious felony sex offenses. Plea deal saved defendant’s business as he would have lost his license if convicted of the more serious sex offenses.

March 2020
Rape case

Prosecutor decides to not file rape charges against client after Gustin provides packet of information disputing “rape” timeline and credibility of complaint.

January 2020
Rape case

Client investigated for rape. Gustin provides information to detective and prosecuting attorney that casts doubt on the accuser’s allegations. Prosecutor declines to prosecute. Client crimes tears of joy after learning of the prosecutort’s refusal to prosecute.

January 2020
Sexual abuse

Client investigated for rape and child sexual abuse. Gustin investigates and provides information to detective that accuser had made identical false allegations against another individual as well as information that accuser was unstable. Prosecutor declines to prosecute the case.

December 2019
Sexual abuse

Client charged with multiple counts of aggravated sexual abuse of a child. Defendant pleads guilty to drastically reduce charge of Sexual Battery, a misdemenaor after Gustin handles the case for him. No sex offender registry, no prison. Client relieved that he can marry his fiance and move forward.

November 2019
Possession of Child Pornography

Gustin convinces prosecutor not to file child pornography charges, client instead enters an informal diversion agreement.

October 2019
Rape Case

Rape charges not filed against client after Gustin provides information to prosecutor and has multiple conversations with prosecutor, convincing him not to file charges.

August 2019
Multiple Counts Aggravated Sexual Abuse of a Child

Serious first-degree felony sex charge dismissed against client prior to preliminary hearing after Gustin investigates and provides information to prosecutor who subsequently dismisses the case just hours before the preliminary hearing.

August 2019
Multiple Counts Aggravated Sexual Abuse of a Child

Serious first-degree felony sex charge dismissed against client prior to preliminary hearing after Gustin investigates and provides information to prosecutor who subsequently dismisses the case just hours before the preliminary hearing.

Rape Case
First degree felony rape charges not filed by district attorney after Gustin provides evidence exonerating client.

June 2019
Aggravated Sexual Abuse of Child

Client charged with multiple counts of aggravated sexual abuse of a child escapes lifetime sex offender registry and prison after Gustin negotiates very favorable plea deal.

Sexual Abuse of a Child
Client investigated for child sex offenses. Prosecutor declines to file charges after Gustin provides exculpatory information to prosecutor convincing her that there was insufficient evidence to secure a conviction.

May 2019
Rape of a Child

Client charged facing potential minimum-mandatory sentence of 60 years-to-life and lifetime registration sentenced to one year in jail over prosecutor’s objection. Client also avoids lifetime registration. Client and family members relieved and ecstatic with result and Gustin’s advocacy.

Multiple Counts Aggravated Sexual Abuse of a Child
Client facing potential 30 years-to-life. Client sentenced to probation after Gustin secures plea deal to Sexual Battery, a class A misdemeanor. No prison, no jail, no sex offender registry.

Forcible Sexual Abuse
After a year of motions and negotiations, Gustin obtains eventual dismissal of all charges for client charged with second degree felonies, saving client’s job and right to possess firearms.

Sexual Abuse of a Minor
Client charged with felony sex offenses involving a minor pleads to class A misdemeanor keeping him off sex offender registry after Gustin litigates case for nine months.

May 2018
Child Sex Offenses

Client facing 60-years-to-life for child sexual offenses.  Client had prior conviction for rape of a child and victim in prior case was set to testify at trial.  After litigating case for one year, Gustin secures plea deal which included no prison.  Client will be out of jail and home with his family very soon.

April 2018

Client charged with 4 offenses that would place client on sex offender registry for thirteen years.  Client delighted that Gustin negotiated deal that will result in dismissal of all charges in 12 months – no jail, no sex offender registration, no conviction.

December 2017
Child Sex Abuse

Client faced allegations of child sexual abuse when he was teaching swimming lessons to a child. District Attorney’s office declines to prosecute when Gustin provides office with interviews of employees at the pool and provides office with incriminating background information on child’s mother.

December 2017
Rape Case

Eighteen-year-old senior in high school accused of rape. Prosecutor declines to file charges after Gustin provides interviews of seven students at the high school who provided information helpful to client.

October 2017
Felony Theft

Client who worked for retail clothing store charged with multiple felony theft and fraud charges in the. course of client’s employment. Client was young student who feared that his/her life was “ruined.” Case resolved with ultimate dismissal of all charges.

October 2017
Felony Sex Offense

Client charged with serious felony sex offense. Gustin secures plea to Sexual Battery, a misdemeanor. Result is no prison, no sex offender registration and preservation of client’s six-figure income job.

July-October 2017
Rape/Sex Offenses

Five clients facing either rape or child sex offense charges with potential lifetime sentences have cases resolved with charges not being filed because of Gustin’s work with detectives and prosecutors which convinced prosecutors to decline filing charges.

January 2017
Rape Case

Client accused of rape by ex-girlfriend. District Attorney declines to prosecute charges after Gustin provides prosecutor with information regarding accuser’s mental state and other information exonerating client.

March 2016
Aggravated Child Sex Abuse

Client charged with 25 counts of aggravated sex abuse of a child, sodomy upon a child and rape of a child in two separate jurisdictions. After blistering cross examination of alleged victim by Gustin at preliminary hearing, prosecutor agrees to offer misdemeanor, no sexual registration. Client was looking at minimum mandatory sentences that would put him in prison for life.

March 2016
Rape Case

Client facing two counts of rape. Charges not filed after Gustin convinces detective and district attorney that encounters were consensual.

March 2016
Rape Case

Client with developmental disabilities facing rape of a child charges. Gustin refuses to allow detective to interview client. Assistant county attorney declines filing of charges.

October 2015
Aggravated Kidnapping

Gustin earns “not guilty” verdicts on aggravated kidnapping, rape and forcible sexual abuse charges after one week jury trial. Client was facing 30 years-to-life in prison. Client and his family are ecstatic!

August 2015
Child Rape Case

Woman charged in March with one count of rape of a child under 14, two counts of sodomy on a child and three counts of aggravated sexual abuse of a child. Gustin gets charges dismissed based on polygraph.

August 2015
Child Rape Case

Multiple rape of a child, sex abuse of a child charges dismissed after Gustin works case for 6 months.

August 2015
Aggravated Sexual Abuse of a Child

Woman charged with one count of aggravated sexual abuse of a child. Gustin gets charge dismissed based on polygraph.

August 2015
Child Sex Offenses

Two clients facing child sex offense charges carrying 30-to-life sentence. Gustin negotiates dismissal of all charges. Gustin gets flowers next day!

June 2015
Aggravated Sexual Abuse of a Child

Client charged with aggravated sexual abuse of a child, charge that carries 15-to-life sentence. One day prior to trial, Gustin secures plea agreement involving misdemeanor that does not place client on sex offender registry, less than 2 weeks jail.

May 2015

Client charged in federal court with molesting boy on airplane. Gustin negotiates dismissal of the charges prior to indictment. Client thrilled and relieved.

May 2015
Rape Investigation

Client facing rape investigation. Gustin works with detective and county attorney. County attorney declines to file charges. Client ecstatic.

September 2014
Rape Case

Gustin shuts down pending charges for rape after Gustin does research and submits evidence to detective and prosecutors on the case. Prosecutors did not file charges, fearing they could not get conviction at trial after reviewing information submitted by Gustin.

August 2014
Aggravated Assault

Client charged with aggravated assault, a second-degree felony for allegedly choking his girlfriend into unconsciousness. Client delighted his charge will be dismissed in one year, instead of facing 15 years in prison, after Gustin conducts extensive investigation and negotiation with prosecutor.

July 2014
Sexual Abuse Case

Client charged with sexual abuse of a minor. Case set for trial and Gustin negotiates a misdemeanor offense and 30 days jail. Client very happy that his job and marriage were saved and he avoided extensive prison sentence.

June 2014
Stalking Charges

Client charged with stalking charges for second time. Gustin negotiated case throughout and on day of trial secured deal that his charges would be dismissed in a year. This also saved him on his prior case involving stalking. He would have been facing prison on 1st case if 2nd case was not resolved successfully. Client over the moon!

May 2014
Stalking Case

Client served with stalking injunction. If it were imposed, the very successful client would lose his lucrative career. After months of negotiating with opposing counsel, Gustin secures great resolution for client, which does not include imposition of stalking injunction.

March 2014
Possession of Child Pornography

Client charged with possession of child pornography, a second degree felony pleads to offense that does not put him on sex offender registry. Gustin also negotiates no-incarceration recommendation from both prosecutor and Adult Probation & Parole.

July 2013
Aggravated Sexual Abuse

Client investigated for aggravated sexual abuse of his daughter is not charged after Gustin does extensive investigation on his behalf and convinces prosecutor to reject detective’s submission for filing.

January 2013
Sex Offenses Against a Child

Gustin secures acquittal at jury trial on sex offense against a child. Client’s additional charges involving allegations of sex abuse of another child. After a year of motions and negotiations, prosecutor dismisses additional case against client.

September 2012
Sexual Abuse of a Child

Engineer charged with Sexual Abuse of a Child, a felony with potential life sentence. Gustin secures misdemeanor offense that does not place client on sex offender registry. Client does only 30 days jail and his $120,000 a year job is saved. Client sends letter to Gustin saying, “thank you for saving my life Susanne!”

August 2012
Aggravated Kidnapping and Sexual Abuse

Immigrant from Bhutan charged with aggravated kidnapping and forcible sexual abuse. Client facing sentence of 25 years-to-life. On eve of trial, Gustin obtains misdemeanor plea which does not place client on sex offender registry and allows him to remain in this country. Client does mere 25 days in jail and is currently reunited with his wife and two young children.

July 2012
Aggravated Sexual Abuse

Client charged with six counts of aggravated sexual abuse of a child and facing life sentence. Client hires Gustin one week prior to trial. After taking case over from prior attorney and working case for several months, Gustin secures deal wherein client only has to serve additional 60 days in jail. He is currently out of jail and free to proceed with his life. Client’s response to Gustin is, “Thank you for saving my life Susanne!”

December 2011
Rape of a Child

Not Guilty on all five counts against client–two counts rape of a child, sodomy upon a child, aggravated sexual abuse of a child, and dealing in harmful materials to a minor. Client facing 30 years-to-life. Not guilty verdicts despite 3 witnesses testifying that client confessed to crimes.

November 2011
Aggravated Sexual Abuse

Seven counts of aggravated sexual abuse of a child dismissed after Susanne Gustin works the case for seven months. Client’s original skepticism of Gustin’s defense strategy turns to joy. He states, “this will be the best Thanksgiving ever!”

April 2011
Felony Stalking

“Not guilty” verdicts for two co-defendants charged with felony stalking. Not guilty on every charge (total of four charges)

February 2011
Felony Embezzlement

Five counts of second-degree felony embezzlement (amount taken $27,000) will be dismissed after one year—no fine; no jail, no conviction, no record!

February 2011
Felony Forgery

Eight counts of second-degree felony forgery and embezzlement will be dismissed after 3 years; no fine, no jail, no conviction, no record!

January 2011
Felony Rape

First- degree felony rape, first- degree felony sodomy, three counts of forcible sexual abuse, all reduced to one Class “A” misdemeanor. Twenty-five year old client, happy & relieved, is serving only 6 months in jail. He was facing a potential life sentence.

June 2010
Aggravated Sexual Abuse of a Child

Five first-degree felony aggravated sex abuse of a child–carrying potential 30-to-life sentences—reduced to third degree felonies, no sex offender registration, no jail time!

June 2010
Possession of Child Pornography

Ten counts of possession of child pornography, second degree felonies, reduced to class A misdemeanor, no prison.

April 2010
Attempted Murder Case

Attempted murder charges will be dismissed after 3 years of motions, appeals to the Utah Supreme Court, and negotiations by Susanne Gustin.

April 2010
Aggravated Robbery and Kidnapping

Aggravated Robbery and Kidnapping Charges, first degree felonies, potential lifetime sentences. Susanne Gustin secures misdemeanor charges and 180 days jail.

March 2010
Sexual Abuse of a Child

Three counts Sexual Abuse of a Child, second degree felonies, in juvenile court. Reduced to one charge that is not “sex offense” related. Case will be dismissed in one year. No jail and client’s opportunity to enter the military restored.

March 2010
Domestic Violence

Felony domestic violence and criminal mischief charges dismissed the day before trial after a flurry of motions filed by Susanne Gustin.

February 2010
Aggravated Assault

Aggravated Assault, a third degree felony, and third offense for client will be dismissed in 1 year. No conviction, no fine, no jail, no record!

December 2009
Second DUI

Second DUI with Injury Accident charges substantially reduced to reckless driving after Susanne Gustin files motion to dismiss the case based upon an illegal blood draw. Client receives no jail.

November 2009
Felony Theft

Felony theft charges dismissed after Susanne Gustin files motion to dismiss based upon insufficient evidence and hearsay grounds. Judge grants motion to dismiss.

September 2009

“Not guilty” verdicts for 2 counts kidnapping, 1 count burglary for gay man accused of kidnapping neighbors’ children. Client was facing 30 years to life in prison

February 2009
Aggravated Sexual Abuse of a Child

“Not guilty” verdicts on four counts of aggravated sexual abuse of a child charges, carrying potential sentence of 30 years to life in prison.

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