Prostitution and Solicitation
Prostitution and solicitation are sexually motivated crimes that can devastate an individual’s professional and personal life. In addition to the possible jail time and fines, an individual may face social stigma after an accusation or conviction.
For this reason, it is important to find a defense attorney who can work to preserve your professional reputation.
Suanne Gustin has experience defending clients against all sex crime allegations, including prostitution, solicitation of a prostitute, and rape. She works diligently on behalf of each client to obtain the most favorable outcome based on the client’s unique circumstances.
Salt Lake City Sex Crimes Defense Attorney
If you face prostitution and solicitation charges, you will need an experienced attorney working on your behalf. Susanne Gustin has over 28 years of experience defendants against sex crime allegations.
Susanne Gustin is well respected for her passionate defense strategies, and her dedication to working on her clients’ behalf.
Call Susanne Gustin, Attorney at Law at 801-243-2814 to schedule a confidential consultation. Susanne Gustin, Attorney at Law services several areas around Salt Lake County and Davis County, including Salt Lake City, West Valley City, West Jordan, Sandy, Layton and Bountiful.
Utah Crime Defense Information Center
- Prostitution and Solicitation under Utah Law
- Utah Penalties for Prostitution and Solicitation
- Defenses to Prostitution and Solicitation Charges
- Sex-Based Crime Resources in Utah
Prostitution and Solicitation under Utah Law
Prostitution and Solicitation– Utah code §76-10-1302 an individual is guilty of prostitution and solicitation when he or she engages in a sexual act for a fee, dwells in a prostitution house, or loiters for the purpose of committing sexual acts for a fee.
Utah Penalties for Prostitution and Solicitation
Prostitution and solicitation are a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year and jail and $2,500 in fines.
Defenses to Prostitution and Solicitation Charges
Occasionally, undercover law enforcement may try to solicit individuals whom they believe to be prostitutes. If the officer does most of the talking and soliciting, this is not prostitution and solicitation, it is entrapment, which is a proper defense against the charges.
Sex-Based Crime Resources in Utah
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network– Largest organization against sexual violence
Women’s Law– Sexual assault victim advocacy group
Susanne Gustin, Attorney at Law Salt Lake County Sex Crime Attorney
If you have been charged with prostitution and solicitation crimes, contact Susanne Gustin, Attorney at Law at 801-243-2814 for your free consultation. Susanne Gustin, Attorney at Law works with clients in the Salt Lake County or Davis County, including Salt Lake City, Taylorsville, and several surrounding areas.